
The Departure...

Many of you know that this summer brings many changes for my little family. Today, Logan, Kenna and I packed up all our our necessities and headed west.


That is where this story begins.
I have done this once before. In the summer of 2009, I packed my little red Pontiac Grand Am as full as I could and ventured westward to begin classes at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography in Missoula, MT. For my husband, Logan, this was a new endeavor. Living in Leitchfield, KY all of his life, he was ready for a change-- ready to see the world. Since he got an opportunity to work as a traveling ER Nurse in Yuba City, CA we had that chance!

We did all the necessary things to prepare for a drive across the country. We rented our house, changed the oil in my car, downloaded Skype so we could talk to our families, got the car detailed, and bought enough snacks to feed an army. Yum.

Now here we are. Staying at a Holiday Inn Express in Abilene, KS. We traveled 689 miles with a 16 month old baby in the backseat.  Things are different when traveling with a baby. We stopped a lot. (It worked out well for me; when I had to go to the bathroom I could always blame it on Kenna!) We did however, make good time and stopped in Abilene around 5:00. We ate at the best little resaurant called Ike's Bar and Grill, which boasted about their one pound hamburgers. Logan indulged himself with one of those, while I ate "chicken fried chicken", although they should have called it "chicken fried fried fried fried chicken" since it had so much breading on it. (I'm bragging, not complaining!)

This, hopefully, will be the only day I don't share any photos. If you have ever traveled from Kentucky to Kansas, you will understand why.

I will share with you some things we saw that made me smile:
-A crew of women workers (from the jail I assume) weedeating around the interstate. Girl Power.
-A cool cowboy boot store that claimed to have 19,000 pairs of boots. (Logan would be in heaven!)
-A sign that said, "One Kansas farmer feeds 138 more people that you do."

Stay tuned for day 2 of our journey.

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